Geist: Pixelcraft’s Exclusive L3 Gotchichain for Members-Only

Geist: Pixelcraft's Exclusive L3 Gotchichain for Members-Only

Web3 game developer Pixelcraft has recently rebranded its Arbitrum L3 gaming chain as Geist. This new development comes with a members-only approach for its famous Aavegotchi game ecosystem.

Previously known as Gotchichain, Pixelcraft had initially planned to settle on Ethereum L2 Base before deciding to deploy Aavegotchi to Polygon. Now, the L3 Gotchichain has been officially named Geist, described as “the first members-only blockchain, built for gaming.”

Geist will operate as a permissioned gaming chain, limiting access to games and apps approved by Pixelcraft or the AavegotchiDAO. To combat bot activity, only invited members will have the privilege to claim rewards such as airdrops and giveaways. While non-members can still participate in gameplay and transactions, they will not be eligible for any benefits.

To join Geist as a member, individuals must receive an invite code, initially distributed through airdrops to Aavegotchi NFT holders. The developer hopes to leverage the network effect for further expansion, with invites also granted to users with a strong on-chain history.

This strategic move by Pixelcraft reflects a shift towards quality over quantity in the gaming blockchain space, prioritizing genuine followers and players over sheer user numbers. Geist aims to foster a community of dedicated participants, as outlined in the Aavegotchi whitepaper.