Instagram Launches New AI Tool for Your Personal Stories

This feature will only be available for users in the U.S. market!
Instagram Launches New AI Tool for Your Personal Stories

Instagram, the world’s most popular social media platform, recently introduced an innovative feature for its users in the United States: a generative AI-powered editing tool specifically designed for Instagram Stories. This advanced tool allows users to alter the backgrounds of their images within Stories using simple text prompts, adding a creative and personalized touch to their posts.

This new feature in Instagram now allows users to access the background editor icon when they select an image to post in their Story. Users can choose from pre-set prompts or create custom prompts for personalized background design.

However, the innovation doesn’t stop with the creation of these unique backgrounds. Once a user shares a Story featuring these AI-generated backgrounds, viewers are greeted with a “Try it” sticker linked to the prompt used. This not only showcases the feature but also encourages other users to experiment with the tool, fostering a more interactive and engaging community experience.

It’s worth mentioning that Snapchat did something similar a few days ago by announcing the “Dreams Future.” This feature allows users to create AI-generated snaps by inputting text prompts. The “Dreams” feature also offers various themes to transform selfies, adding a personalized touch to shared content