Land Presale in MyCryptoHeroes? Get The Details

Land Presale in MyCryptoHeroes Get The Details The Land presale of MyCryptoHeroes is active as of today for potential investors.

The Land presale of MyCryptoHeroes is active as of today for potential investors.

Gamers won’t be able to participate in this round as only 4 Countries will be sold in bulk for 500 ETH each with KYC being mandatory.

The details of this round are:

  • Price: 500ETH/Land
  • Number of Lands to be sold: 4 countries out of 9.
  • Period: 2/13 Wednesday 7:00~2/18 6:00 UTC ( winners will be chosen on 2/19)
  • Unsold Land will be transferred to CrowdSale

The MCH Land Crowdsale is expected to begin on the 19th of February, 2019.

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The Land System

They’re going to be 9 Lands (Countries) in total with each land having its own theme color and different UI. While there is no functional differences between lands, each one will have unique extensions dropped from their nodes.

While there are no functional differences between lands, each one will have unique extensions dropped from their nodes.

The Land sectors

Land can be divided into sectors. The sectors are ERC 721 Tokens with their own editable name and sector flag.

Sectors come in 5 rarities and size, depending on the rarity. So, a sector can be either Legendary, Epic, Rare, Uncommon or Common.

As always, using the blockchain technology, gamers have full control over their assets and sectors are no different. At any given time, sectors can be sold in the marketplace.

The image below provides some statics around the sectors in MyCryptoHeroes.

Profit Streams Through Land

Land (including sectors) is designed to earn income for the owners through various ways. Let’s take a look at how a sector owner can earn money by owning a sector.

  • 50% amount of Trade transaction fee for the original extension which was dropped from the Land node.
  •  —50% amount of commission fee for selling replica extensions which was dropped from Land node.
  •   50% amount of GUM paid for recovering hero stamina by Land member.
  •   100% amount of GUM paid for continuing the land node by Land member..

Land Profit will be distributed to Knight and Cryptid, and the ratio will be determined by the “King”, the Landowner with the most citizen transactions.

Additionally, 30% distribution will be shared among lords(land sectors owners). The ratio will be changed depending on the volume of ownership in the land.

For more information about the sale you can visit MCH Medium Page.

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