Mobile MMORPG Ragnarok Labyrinth To Release NFT Game (+ Free in-Game Items)

Ragnarok Labyrinth Mobile MMORPG Announced By Gravity

The well-known South Korean video game developer, Gravity, announced its first play-to-earn blockchain-based mobile MMORPG called Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT based on the homonym title.

The game is set to launch on Q2 2022 in the South-East Asia market by the Indonesian subsidiary PT. Gravity Game Link.

As an MMORPG, players will have to choose a class for their hero while having different things to do, ranging from customizing gears, fighting monsters, PvP and trading in-game assets.

The Classes are the following:

  • Swordman (Close Combat)
  • Mage (Knowledge Fighting)
  • Archer (Ranged Combat)
  • Merchant (Making a profit from selling)
  • Thief (Theft)
  • Acolyte (God Blessed Priests)

Keep in note that every class can be advanced to the next level.

How Can Players Earn in Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT?

Players in the game can earn by completing daily quests achievements or by defeating MVP monsters roaming around the dangerous world of Ragnarok Labyrinth. Rewards are given in ONBUFF coins (ONIT) that can also be traded with a DeFi system.

Sign-up to Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT game to receive the following freebies once certain conditions are met.

image The well-known South Korean video game developer, Gravity, announced its first play-to-earn blockchain-based mobile MMORPG called Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT based on the homonym title.

Visit Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT Website.

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