Will Japan Become the NFT Hub of the World?

Fumio Kishida, Prime Minister of Japan, plans to support and promote Web3 technology and NFTs.
Japan, a country famous for its natural sights, cutting-edge technology, and forward-thinking, plans to "promote and support efforts to expand the use of Web3 services that utilize the metaverse and NFTs."

Japan, a country famous for its natural sights, cutting-edge technology, and forward-thinking, plans to “promote and support efforts to expand the use of Web3 services that utilize the metaverse and NFTs.”

Fumio Kishida sees Web3 technology as an ample opportunity. Back in April, the Liberal Democratic Party of Kishida, together with politician Akihisa Shiozaki launched an “NFT White Paper,” where the introduction said, “Web 3.0,” the new frontier of the digital economic sphere.”

Another incident that adds up perfectly to the story is Japan Post’s release of NFT stamps artwork earlier this week. The NFT stamps saw great success as they sold out almost immediately. Of course, Japan will continue its NFT and Web3 campaign as a report says the country has plans to remove taxes for Web3 startups. Will Japan become the NFT hub of the world? What do you think?