Wombat Dungeon Master Now Has Multiplayer Features!

Yesterday, 18/5, Spielworks, the Berlin-based blockchain gaming startup, announced the third season of Wombat Dungeon Master and the multiplayer update that came with it.

Yesterday, 18/5, Spielworks, the Berlin-based blockchain gaming startup, announced the third season of Wombat Dungeon Master and the multiplayer update that came with it.

Multiplayer Features Added

As the third season starts, players will now be able to join their forces and form Clans while adding new items to the game and expanding its stack of supported NFT collections. 

“We are thrilled to be adding the first multiplayer features to Wombat Dungeon Master,” says Adrian Krion, CEO of Spielworks. “Season Three opens new opportunities before us and showcases the direction where we want to take the game next, turning it into a fun, collaborative experience. We are looking forward to building upon this foundation to give players more tools for interacting between themselves.”

spielworks Yesterday, 18/5, Spielworks, the Berlin-based blockchain gaming startup, announced the third season of Wombat Dungeon Master and the multiplayer update that came with it.

Players can stake their tokens into the Dungeon and send Wombats on a quest to recover them. They now can also, band together into clans with NFT-based membership: Both Clan leaders and rank-and-file members will hold special NFTs that confirm they are part of the group resulting in assisting each other and helping reduce the time it takes for Wombats to return from adventuring.

Moreover, the game now supports NFT collections from different blockchains, including WAX and EOS blockchains tokens.

Players will be able to stake NFTs from the following collections:

  • nerdsunites, an NFT line created by Twitch streamer Sully,
  • glummybears1, a parody NFT collection on WAX,
  • soonayfigure, a collection based on a designer toy feline Soonay,
  • cuteredpanda, a collection featuring a cartoonish red panda,
  • niftywizards, a collection from a P2E dungeon crawler game,
  • nonfungdrugs, a collection from a P2E game putting the player in the shoes of a drug lord,
  • orchidhunter, a collection for the eponymous art project,  
  • monsterlover, a collection designed as an hommage to retro comic books, 
  • myzicklearmy, a collection featuring cartoonish zombified pickles, 
  • blackbergcmx, a collection based around a satire comic book parodying fantasy tropes,
  • shufan.free, a designer collection by Shufan, a prominent NFT artist.

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