Aavegotchi’s Gotchiverse Land Release to Take Place on May 18

Aavegotchi’s Gotchiverse

The Players can now start using the REALM Land parcels they received in the previous land sale. Starting from May 18, Landowners can now spawn on their land, utilize their resources, and customize at their will. 

Around 7 months ago, Aavegotchi’s Gotchiverse had an initial land sale where some players received Land and REALM parcels. Finally, they will be able to use their REALM parcels as soon as the land release takes place on Wednesday.

The Aavegotchi’s Gotchiverse 

The players play as Aavegotchis which is a pixelated ghost character. As they play through the game, they collect valuable resources known as Gotchus Alchemica. This is an ERC-20 token that can be used to trade different elements in the Gotchiverse. 

image 9 The Players can now start using the REALM Land parcels they received in the previous land sale. Starting from May 18, Landowners can now spawn on their land, utilize their resources, and customize at their will. 

Using several resources, the players can build customized buildings and structures that can have more potential of generating income within the game. Gotchis Alchemica – Aptly named as ALPHA, FUD, FOMO, and KEK – are usually used to upgrade and build several items in the Gotchiverse. 

In the near future, Aavegotchi is planning to make its own Decentralized Exchange called Gotchus Achemica Exchange (GEX) where GHST will be the token of governance. (Aavegotchi’s Gotchiverse)

How To Get Started In the Gotchiverse

Getting started in the Gotchiverse is easy. All you need to do is borrow an Aavegotchi and enter the immersive metaverse – at almost no cost.

The on-chain lending contract lets the players use the Aavegotchi for a specific amount of time where the players split their earnings according to the contract. 

The good thing about this whole ecosystem is that players can start making enough profits even after playing for a few hours. After that, they can return their Aavegotchi and their agreed-upon profit percentage. 

So, have you made up your mind to get started in the Gotchiverse? Let us guide you through the step-by-step process.

Step-By-Step Instructions to Join the Gotchiverse:

  1. Set up MetaMask (if not already)
  2. Enable Polygon Network on MetaMask (for MATIC gas fee)
  3. Choose Polygon (after you’ve enabled it)
  4. Deposit MATIC into MetaMask (most preferably from Binance – use can use other methods as well)
  5. Use your deposited MATIC and Swap MATIC into GHST from the Official Gotchiverse Website.