Alien Worlds Announces Syndicate DAOs

The new era of Alien Worlds has been officially launched with six in-game independent DAOs.
Alien Worlds Announces Syndicates DAOs

The famous P2E game, Alien Worlds, has recently launched a governance system where each planet has its own Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). This system is called “Syndicates” and is expected to bring lots of new engagement!

From now on, each of the six Alien World planets will have its own DAO. Each DAO will be represented by its community and custodian council. The council voting period began a few days ago and will last for nine days until November 3rd! 

Each Syndicate can elect up to 5 custodians that are responsible for the DAO’s smooth performance and decision-making issues. To get things started, Alien Worlds introduced a limited-time contest where the Top 5 elected council members will receive a Mythic level rarity avatar NFT.

It is also notable that players who want to participate and become eligible for voting can only do that by at least staking 5,000 $TLM tokens on a planet to run for Council and fill out a form on their website.

In order to keep things smooth, elections will happen every week, ensuring the right people govern each planet. Voting power is also a thing in this new system and is measured based on two important criteria:

  • TLM tokens staked (Quantity)
  • The length of time tokens are locked up (Time Locked Up)

Lastly, some might question what will the Syndicate Council exactly do. Well, the Council will be responsible for the following:

  • Guiding the planet!
  • Managing the planet!
  • Leading the planet!