Axie Infinity Reduces SLP Mint By Removing PvE & Daily Quests

Axie Infinity Updates & Land Staking

Sky Mavis, Axie Infinity developers revealed the removal of PvE & Daily Quests in Axie Infinity in order to sustain a viable economy targeting $SLP‘s scarce with the only way to earn currently being the leaderboards and PvP battles.

The developers decided to implement the changes with the supply of Smooth Love Potion ($SLP) expected to be reduced by 56%.

price of slp token Sky Mavis, Axie Infinity developers revealed the removal of PvE & Daily Quests in Axie Infinity in order to sustain a viable economy targeting $SLP's scarce with the only way to earn currently being the leaderboards and PvP battles.
The Price Of $SLP token by CoinMarketCap
SLP chart Sky Mavis, Axie Infinity developers revealed the removal of PvE & Daily Quests in Axie Infinity in order to sustain a viable economy targeting $SLP's scarce with the only way to earn currently being the leaderboards and PvP battles.
chart of $SLP token,

“The daily quest, in principle, was great to encourage people to play every day, but it’s now become a mass emission mechanism for SLP. By removing the daily quest, we are able to reduce issuance by around 45 million SLP per day.”

Axie Infinity Team

A “painful medicine,” developers describe it to be. With all these announcements, the $SLP price is rising rapidly, but it is mainly based on investors speculation, with the price currently being $0.04.

“The Axie economy requires drastic and decisive action now, or we risk total and permanent economic collapse. That would be far more painful. Put simply, we’ve prioritized growth and onboard millions. Without this approach, it’s likely that Axie would have remained a small, niche game with a few thousand players,”

Axie Infinity Team

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