Gala Games Introduces NFT Mystery Boxes on Its Exclusive Blockchain

Gala Games Introduces NFT Mystery Boxes on Its Exclusive Blockchain

Gala Games, a prominent player in the gaming industry, has announced a significant transition of its inventory from the Ethereum Network to its proprietary GalaChain. This shift paves the way for new opportunities in the realm of web3 gaming, as GalaChain is tailored explicitly for the needs of modern gaming, overcoming the limitations and inconveniences previously experienced on the Ethereum Network.

Unlocking the Power of NFTs with Mystery Boxes

Capitalizing on the potential of its newly integrated GalaChain, Gala Games is launching NFT Mystery Boxes. These boxes, going on sale from August 21st, will house three NFTs from various games featured on their platform. The excitement lies in the unknown, as gamers will only discover the contents once the box is opened.

Games whose NFTs could potentially be in these boxes include:

  • Echoes of Empire
  • Last Expedition
  • Superior
  • Legacy
  • Town Star
  • The Walking Dead: Empires
  • Meow Match

Moreover, these NFTs are all based on GalaChain, eliminating the need for ETH gas during purchases or reveals.

Variety and Rarity: Details of NFT Mystery Boxes

The Mystery Boxes are categorized into five distinct tiers, each priced differently:

  • Bronze: $19
  • Silver: $49
  • Gold: $99
  • Platinum: $249
  • Diamond: $999

Higher-priced boxes promise a greater chance of containing rarer game items. Yet, all boxes are designed to guarantee valuable content for players. Among the most coveted items waiting to be discovered in these boxes are:

  • Daryl (Ancient) from The Walking Dead: Empires
  • Nomad Prime (Epic) from Superior
  • Ember’s Grace Celestial Claim (Epic) from Echoes of Empire
  • And many more…

Over 350 unique items can be found, with multiple copies of each available. These Mystery Boxes are NFTs on GalaChain and are characterized by different rarities such as Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary, and Ancient. Players can unveil their boxes at their convenience, revealing the treasures within.

With a whopping 30,000 boxes spread across all rarities, Gala Games ensures diversity by ensuring no box holds three items from the same game. Head here to learn more.

Limited Availability and Urgency

The availability of these boxes is limited, and they could be removed from the store without prior notice. Players are encouraged to seize the opportunity quickly, diving into the world of surprise and excitement these boxes promise.

In a nutshell, Gala Games continues its innovative journey in the web3 gaming domain, ensuring thrilling experiences for its global player base.