Kratos Gaming Network (KGeN), an Indian web3 gaming community previously known as IndiGG, has introduced a significant educational campaign tailored for Indian students and young gamers. The six-month initiative will reach tier 1, 2, and 3 cities across the nation and will traverse numerous cities, including Mumbai, Delhi, Indore, and Kolkata.
Objective and Activities
The campaign aims to elevate the understanding of blockchain gaming and its potential benefits. KGeN is setting the stage to illustrate web3 gaming as not just a pastime but a viable route to career development, personal enhancement, and an alternative income source. This initiative includes student meetups, college competitions, and roundtable discussions with educators and psychologists. These gatherings are designed to foster a deeper comprehension of gaming’s future and blockchain technology, while also addressing and correcting common misconceptions associated with gaming and web3 technologies.
Empowerment through Ownership
A notable component of KGeN’s strategy involves the development of an ecosystem where the gamers themselves own global gamer data. The Proof of Gamer (PoG) engine, a key tool in this endeavor, empowers users to create, own, and monetize their gaming data. This system not only benefits the gamers but also provides valuable data to game publishers seeking to connect with specific gamer cohorts.
Vision for the Future
Ishank Gupta of the Kratos Gaming Network’s Elder Member Council emphasizes the transformative potential of this initiative. He states, “Data ownership for gamers will be a game changer for the industry. This national campaign is set to empower gamers by making them aware of new opportunities and possibilities. Data ownership is poised to revolutionize not just the gaming industry but extend its benefits beyond gaming.”
This campaign marks a pivotal shift in how technology and data are interacted with, placing control and ownership in the hands of the users. By doing so, KGeN not only advocates for the advancement of web3 gaming but also paves the way for a new era of digital interaction and empowerment.