MaidCoin: Upcoming Anime NFT Collecting Game

Maidcoin Game

MaidCoin is an upcoming blockchain project that brings together crypto, NFTs, and gaming. Your mission is to find and collect anime-themed NFTs while having fun gaming. Holding these digital collectibles allows you to earn a passive income.

$MAID, an ERC-20 token – will be the native currency of the game, and all rewards for holding NFTs will also be paid in $MAID. 

Using the $MAID token, you will be able to participate in passive raids that take 1-3 days to get NursePart NFTs. These NFTs can be combined to get the most valuable NFT of the game: Nurse NFT.

Nurse NFTs will allow you to earn $MAID as passive income. You do not need to stake anything since the Nurse NFTs will automatically send $MAID to your wallet.

Nurse NFTs will have different rarity levels, each distinguishable by the amount of $MAID tokens it can earn for every block.


Next month, MaidCoin will offer 30 Maid NFTs – 24 on Ethereum and 6 on Polygon (Matic). Maid NFTs will reduce the time it takes to get your hands on a Nurse NFT. They will be sold on SushiSwap’s upcoming NFT trading platform Shoyu.  

All the NFTs in MaidCoin game are based on the ERC-721 standard.

You can earn a passive income in $MAID tokens by providing liquidity in the MAID-wETH LP pool on SushiSwap. A liquidity pool is a pool of tokens on a decentralized exchange to facilitate trading. You can become a part of it by locking your MAID/wETH into the liquidity pool in a 50-50 ratio and earn $MAID tokens.

There is also a Giveaway on Twitter where users have to retweet every day one selected tweet to win $3,000 worth of $MAID.

For more information and the latest updates, visit MaidCoin’s official Twitter or Telegram.