Mocaverse, DEFY, and Phantom Galaxies Step Up as Platinum Sponsors for Asia’s Premier Web3 Conference – WebX

Mocaverse, DEFY, and Phantom Galaxies Step Up as Platinum Sponsors for Asia's Premier Web3 Conference - WebX

Mocaverse, DEFY, and Phantom Galaxies have committed to platinum sponsorship for the upcoming WebX, slated as Asia’s most significant global Web3 conference. The event will occur at the Tokyo International Forum on July 25 and 26, 2023, orchestrated by the WebX Executive Committee in collaboration with CoinPost, Inc.

Web3 Innovators Headline Sponsorship

As industry leaders in the expanding realm of Web3, NFTs, and Web3 gaming, Mocaverse, DEFY, and Phantom Galaxies have pledged to inspire, connect, and empower the Web3 audience in Japan. Leveraging the WebX event, the powerful trio plans to display their influential roles in the future of Web3. They will offer interactive experiences, including city exploration, quests, and a chance for attendees to earn prizes, emphasizing their “Move-to-Earn” and “IRL” concepts.

WebX: A Global Convergence

WebX aims to be a focal point for Web2 and Web3 projects, companies, investors, and developers worldwide. Attendees can anticipate networking opportunities, technical workshops, pitch events on Web3 business, and various exhibits.

In the face of growing international interest, Japan seeks to bolster its Web3 field. Initiatives such as WebX play a crucial role in fostering international exchange and building a robust network of information and human resources for Japan’s burgeoning blockchain industry in the Asian market.

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