OneFootball Launches Football ID in Collaboration with Mocaverse

OneFootball Launches Football ID in Collaboration with Mocaverse

OneFootball, a famous digital football media company, has teamed up with the blockchain entity Mocaverse to introduce Football ID, a new decentralized identifier (DID) with the goal of transforming the fan experience for its 200 million users globally.

This partnership will utilize Mocaverse’s Realm Account system SDK to provide a cohesive platform for fan interaction and digital identity across different football-related activities.

Integrating Blockchain for a Better Fan Connection

Football ID introduces a cutting-edge approach to fan engagement by providing a unique, blockchain-based identity for each user. Fans will be able to claim their own personalized DIDs, such as, through the OneFootball app. This feature not only strengthens the sense of community among fans but also enhances the integration of user experiences across the Moca Network’s diverse offerings, including GameFi, intellectual property, and music sectors.

Patrick Fischer, CEO of OneFootball, expressed his vision for the project, stating that Football ID is set to transform how fans interact with the sport. “Football ID will become our gateway to enable users to engage in a more meaningful and rewarding way, while embracing the future of digital identity and fan engagement,” Fischer commented. This initiative is expected to open new avenues for community participation and deepen the fans’ connection to the game.

With the introduction of Football ID, fans can actively participate in various activities and earn Realm Points, a rewards system implemented by Mocaverse. These points can be accumulated and utilized within the network, fostering a more engaging and rewarding fan experience. This system represents a significant shift towards rewarding fans for their loyalty and active participation in football-related activities.

Kenneth Shek, Project Lead of Mocaverse, also highlighted the broader impact of this partnership, noting that sports serve as a powerful cultural force globally. “OneFootball is well placed to onboard millions of sports fans to web3, where they can explore different applications and utility across the entire Moca Network,” Shek shared.