Origins Season Update: Enhanced Axies and New Shop Packs

Origins Season Update: Enhanced Axies and New Shop Packs

Origins game has released a substantial pre-season balancing patch, introducing the Parts Evolution Utility. This much-anticipated update brings many changes and improvements to the game, aiming to enhance player experience as the new season approaches.

Key Game Enhancements: Parts Evolution and Balancing Patch

One of the major highlights of this update is the Parts Evolution Utility, which has now been activated in Origins. This feature promises to bring a fresh dynamic to the gameplay, aligning with the expectations of the upcoming season. In tandem with this, the official balancing patch has also been implemented, marking a pivotal change in the game’s strategy and mechanics.

Boost in Base HP for Collectible Axies

Collectible axies in Origins will now boast higher base HP, offering them increased durability in battle. This change is part of the game’s effort to add more value to collectible axies, making them not only more appealing but also more resilient in the gaming arena. This adjustment is expected to alter the gaming strategies significantly, especially in competitive play.

cf976690 517d 4918 8030 2ec8a7303ed3 2400x1350 Origins game has released a substantial pre-season balancing patch, introducing the Parts Evolution Utility. This much-anticipated update brings many changes and improvements to the game, aiming to enhance player experience as the new season approaches.

Special Characters Return to Origins Shop

Adding to the excitement, the Origins Shop is reintroducing fan-favorite characters Momo, Venoki, and Pomodoro. These characters come in special packs that not only include the characters themselves but also offer extra Honor Medals and Class badges. This move is seen as a strategic addition to attract both new players and veterans to explore different aspects of the game.

53ef9848 1cd8 416a 85b6 1f662074cb2b 2904x1144 Origins game has released a substantial pre-season balancing patch, introducing the Parts Evolution Utility. This much-anticipated update brings many changes and improvements to the game, aiming to enhance player experience as the new season approaches.
Momo, Venoki, and Pomodoro

With these updates, players are now better equipped to face the challenges of the upcoming Season 7. The game encourages players to dive into the enhanced experience and start preparing their strategies for the new season. This update sets the stage for what promises to be an exciting and dynamic season in Origins.