Twitter Brings Tweet Tiles Pilot to NFT Marketplaces

New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and The Guardian previously tested some Tweet Tiles regarding NFTs! Currently, five NFT marketplaces have been chosen to participate in the experiment, which will enable their tweets to feature an interactive, customizable widget.

New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and The Guardian previously tested some Tweet Tiles regarding NFTs! Currently, five NFT marketplaces have been chosen to participate in the experiment, which will enable their tweets to feature an interactive, customizable widget.

As said before, five NFT marketplaces have been chosen for the pilot of the Tweet Tiles: Rarible, OpenSea, Magic Eden, Dapper Labs, and GuardiansLink’s The mentioned marketplaces will unlock the ability to display colorful NFTs directly within tweets! The tweets shared will have a larger NFT picture format shown alongside the title and creator data.

If this experiment establishes as a successful one, the Tweet Tiles feature could be rolled out to all users on Twitter. Twitter introduced NFT avatars for users who connect their wallets to prove their NFTs ownership. This idea of Tweet Tiles came because of the NFT avatars. 

The ability to embed NFTs in the Tweets with Tweet Tiles will surely enhance the whole Twitter experience, making tweets visually improved with lots of colors. Tweet Tiles will also help NFT collections to be discovered more easily. Currently, the Tweet Tiles are available only for iOS and Web for the five NFT marketplace mentioned.