Wordopoly Review Real Estate AR Mobile Game

Wordopoly Review

Welcome to our Wordopoly Review!

I remember when people went crazy about PokemonGO. Kids in my neighborhood were hunting Bulbasaur using a brilliant Augmented Reality mobile game. This idea is just dope.

Join Their telegram group and receive 10 WPT Tokens. Limited Time Airdrop

Now, Wordopoly is taking things to the next level.

Build your empire, buy streets, properties, diamonds, and mining factories, create the most prominent conspiracy ever, and get rewarded with actual WPT tokens. Get that motivation that pokemon go never gave you, don’t just pay to play but earn to play. After this short introduction, let’s get to know Wordopoly.

What is Wordopoly?

Wordopoly Review

Wordopoly is a new promising blockchain game for smartphones with A.R. Experience and lots of business thinking. The game is a real-time strategy multiplayer simulator in which you develop any area you are close by using Geolocation (Google Maps). The concept is brilliant, and the features will make Wordopoly, as presented by their team, be entertaining and addictive blockchain game. In Wordopoly, you can build and upgrade objects, buy & sell real estate between other players (p2p trading) and defeat the competition by getting the best businessman (or woman) in your city. Buildings are “mining,” meaning that you get passive income. Establish your first virtual corporation, build your first office, and earn profits. Choose between a collection of buildings, each one with unique stats and income generation. Make sure you make the right choices and build with your future in interest.

A Real Economy to Support Wordopoly

The game works with multiple in-game currencies like diamonds and building resources, so a new player can start playing free of charge. Still, when things get serious, WPT Token (Wordopoly Token), a cryptocurrency specific created for Wordopoly, takes in charge. By advancing, you produce WPT Tokens, which you can sell on any supported exchange available.

WPT is an ERC20 Token standard with a starting price of 0.12$ per coin. Total Supply is 200 Million.

Join Their telegram group and receive 10 WPT Tokens. Limited Time Airdrop

wordopoly airminer review I remember when people went crazy about PokemonGO. Kids in my neighborhood were hunting Bulbasaur using a brilliant Augmented Reality mobile game. This idea is just dope.

Marketplace For Your Needs

What would a business world be without a Marketplace?

Boost your wallet by purchasing items from other players with WPT Tokens. Even more, you can list items in the Marketplace.

Items – all items provide special abilities to your buildings.

The auction – sell or buy buildings and streets to others. Seller defines a minimum price, and the other players can bet on the items. Unique Items can be purchased only for WPT tokens.

Selling – Everything can be sold by putting it up for an auction and setting a minimum price.

Monitoring sales – all sales can be monitored.

Wordopoly Mobile Game Features

AUGMENTED REALITY AND A.I. Wordopoly is an example of modern AR-game, adapted for mobile devices with unique A.I. algorithm to recognize (shapes of) buildings. 

REALISM AND GEOLOCATION The game takes place on Google Maps basis. You can use the camera to catch diamonds over the air every ten minutes.  

BLOCKCHAIN / DAG The presence of an internal economy: players can profit while playing and integrate income in WPT into real cryptocurrency. 

INTERACTION OF PLAYERS AND CROSS GAMING Players can unite in clans, finance large, expensive projects and damage buildings of other players. 

Wordopoly AirMiner: Download Now

So, all that you just read is great, but the game is not ready. But don’t get your hopes down because the developers have created AirMiner. A pre-game application with Augmented Reality Experience, which you can download and start earning diamonds around your area that can be used in the main game when it gets available.

Wordopoly ICO & 2% Bonus Runs Right Now.

Wordopoly offers the opportunity to purchase discounted WPT Tokens and advance in the game like a Lamborghini at high speed. You have until July 8th.

Learn more about the ICO and get a little bonus by clicking above.

Join Wordopoly ICO & 2 % Bonus & UP to 25% Discount on Your Purchase.

My Conclusion on Wordopoly AR Game

The concept is good, the game looks impressive, and the AirMiner Mobile Application seems promising. Not something special for now, but it seems an excellent foundation for the main application to come.

I would suggest to download the game and start exploring your area, gather some Diamonds, and give your self a head start to the game.

Thanks for reading my review on Wordopoly. Until next time, keep it crypto!

For more information about Wordopolyclick here and visit the official website.