Exoplanets Beta Launch

Exoplanets Beta Launch

Exoplanets Beta Launch is here. The 3D blockchain game based on scientific data by NASA becomes the first real-time multiplayer game to play!

The game will contain 3700 ExoPlanets that players can own and play with. Nasa has confirmed over 3,735 Exoplanets – planets outside our Solar System, small planets are the most common, especially Super-Earths and Mini-Neptunes. A well-documented website with the most up to date information about ExoPlanets here.

Exoplanet, running on the Ethereum network, is now available to play, and gamers can mine in-game tokens.

The beta will enable ExoPlanets owners to play against each other in a race to mine as many resources as possible and then convert them to the ERC20 ExoTokens.

To play Exoplanets, you must own a planet and some ExoTokens. There are some available in the galactic market starting at around 0.4ETH.

Every 8 hours, the race restarts so players can get the most out of the game by mining the most resources possible before other players join.

Head over to the Exoplanet’s Medium page to get some tips around the beta and don’t forget to clap 🙂

Read also ExoPlanets Crypto Mining Game Based on NASA Data