LooksRare Launches V2 NFT Marketplace: Slashed Fees, Bulk Buys, and More

LooksRare Launches V2 NFT Marketplace: Slashed Fees, Bulk Buys, and More

Big news in the world of NFTs today as LooksRare announced V2, which looks like a game-changer. They’ve been working hard on this upgrade, and it’s not just about adding flashy new features. Nope, they’re looking ahead to a future where NFTs are even bigger and better than they are now, so they’ve built a scalable, efficient, and flexible foundation.

What’s new in V2?

One big change is that they’ve slashed their protocol fees by a whopping 75%. That means you can save a ton of money on gas fees compared to other marketplaces. And speaking of gas fees, you’ll be happy to know that you can save around 50% on gas fees compared to Blur and about 30% compared to V1. Of course, that means more ETH in your stash for other cool stuff.

Get this: they’ve ditched WETH, and now sellers receive ETH instead. That’s unless they’re accepting an offer or if the transaction reverts. And they’ve made it super easy to buy in bulk – you can add 70+ NFTs to your cart and purchase them all in a single transaction. And if you went too crazy on your bulk buys, don’t worry – it’s just as easy to list the pieces you don’t want.

They’ve made some other improvements, like reusable signatures, so you only need to approve a collection once. And you can now buy and sell with ERC-20 tokens like LOOKS, which is pretty sweet.

And if you’re into auctions, they’ve got you covered – you can sell NFTs via the age-old auction format you know and love. Plus, you’ll be able to create a listing that dynamically changes relative to the floor price, so you can keep up with market movements without staying glued to the screen.

There’s even an affiliate program, so you can refer your friends to LooksRare and earn a share of the protocol fees. And they’ve made flexibility with your orders easier – you can cancel, list, or partially fill them as you see fit.

So yeah, LooksRare’s V2 upgrade is looking pretty slick. If you’re into NFTs, you’ll want to check it out.