MemeFlate Announces Integration with Multiple Chainlink Services

memeflate chainlink

MemeFlate announced yesterday, 26th of April its integration with multiple Chainlink services, especially Chainlink VRF. They plan to make their raffles more transparent by using Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) so that everyone can know that the players are being picked randomly.

According to MemeFlate, the Chainlink integration will provide a whole new experience to their existing users. With Chainlink, they will experience more reliable, secure, and transparent services. 

But what exact Chainlink services are they using, one may ask? To answer that, let’s look at this list where we explain which Chainlink services they are integrating into their ecosystem.

MemeFlate x Chainlink

The following services are being integrated:

Chainlink Keepers – to automate receiving and claiming the upcoming DirtLifeTM rewards. MemeFlate will use Chain Keepers in MFT v2 staking, which will help automate awards.

Chainlink VRF v1 – to select completely random winners for their raffles. (the randomness is verifiable)

Chainlink VRF v2 – MemeFlate plans to use v2 for their upcoming raffles. They will launch their raffle game in May, where they will choose random winners via Chainlink VRF v2 for improved and verifiable randomness and fairness. 

Chainlink Keepers

Chainlink Keepers is decentralized smart contract automation for blockchain developers. Apart from that, the service is cost-effective and secure.

With Chainlink Keepers, the smart contracts are automatically triggered when a specific condition is met. For example, an asset hits a particular price on an exchange. 

Chainlink Keepers provides one of the most reliable and secure services. Their notable features include:

Increased Efficiency – Supports minimal operational overhead and reduces time spent on DevOps operations.

Reduced Costs –  Cost-effective off-chain computations and DApps developed at low cost and with many notable features. 

Decentralized Execution – The risk-free, reliable services provided by Chainlink Keepers have no single-point-of-failure. Also, the tasks are automated in centralized servers. 

Enhanced Security – the services provided by Chainlink Keepers are tamper-proof and Sybil-resistant. The system is so secure that Chainlink Keepers sign smart contracts without having to expose their private keys. 

For more information about MemeFlate and its services, follow these links:

Website (Freelance Marketplace):



NFT & Gaming Website: