Ready Player Me and Krikey AI Unveil Text-Prompted AI Animation Tool

Ready Player Me and Krikey AI Unveil Text-Prompted AI Animation Tool
Ready Player Me and Krikey AI Unveil Text-Prompted AI Animation Tool

Ready Player Me and Krikey AI have announced a new partnership, allowing users to create AI-animated avatars with just a text prompt. The avatars can be generated in just a few minutes using Krikey AI’s animation tools and exported in video or fbx file formats. Users can also edit the animation speed, and camera angle, add a background, and more within the Krikey AI tool.

The AI animation tool currently supports simple human motion prompts like walking, running, bowing, waving, spinning, and more, and the AI model is being trained with new data every month to improve the quality and variety of animation output. Users can access the Krikey AI animation tool by signing up on and customizing their avatars before generating their AI animation.

Related: Ready Player Me Raises $56M Funds to Expand Cross-Platform Avatars

Ketaki Shriram, Co-founder and CTO at, said“Almost every company will need to integrate 3D generative AI tools into their pipeline and products. This is the future of play.” Ready Player Me has also partnered with other platforms to simplify avatar creation and has been experimenting with DALL-E’s generative AI technology to design avatar outfits.