Splinterlands Announces Splinterfest – Will Take Place in Las Vegas

Splinterlands has announced that it will host an in-person event, Splinterfest, in Las Vegas. The two-day event will begin on October 8th in collaboration with HyperX Nevada.

If you want to purchase a ticket to the event, make sure to see the Canva Presentation shared by the team. It contains a list of everything to look forward to.

There are two types of tickets available for the attendees:

  • General Admission – $300
  • VIP – $2000

You can buy the General Admission ticket via PayPal and $SPS, while the VIP ticket can only be bought with $SPS.

If you are a parent with minor less than 16 years old, you can take your kid with you for free.

New Limited Edition Character

After the event, you will find a new limited edition character – you can buy this at the Splinterlands shop. For the base price of $1000 per card, there will be 1000 of these limited edition max-level legendary Summoner cards – they come with a 2% chance of being a gold foil version.

If you’re a General Admission ticket holder, you can purchase the new character and get a $300 discount on your purchase. The VIP ticket holders will get a $2000 discount. For $3000 (instead of $5000 because of the $2000 discount), you will get a guaranteed gold foil version.

Splinterfest will be full of digital quests and in-person activities. In the event, you can expect interesting treasure hunts where you can test your abilities as you combat opponents. The event will also provide music entertainment, scavenger hunts, and other exciting activities.

pasted image 0 2 Splinterlands has announced that it will host an in-person event, Splinterfest, in Las Vegas. The two-day event will begin on October 8th in collaboration with HyperX Nevada.

Splinterlands has confirmed that the event will be full of talks, live podcasts, and debates, along with a tournament hosted by the Splinterlands team.