Berserk Season 2 Is Live!

Berserk Season 2 Is Live!

After thanking the beta testers, Vulcan Forged announces that Berserk Season 2 is finally here. They have been trying hard to bring the game from a web interface to a PC App.

The reason why they wanted to move from web to PC is flexibility, performance, longevity, and stability. 

After all that wait, the Competitive Season is finally live and takes place on July 11th. 

Unlock Shop

In the game, you will see a brand new “Unlock Shop” where you can buy cool and interesting stuff using Cold LAVA. Using Level 0 Vulcanites, you can unlock a series of cosmetic items. In addition to that, the team has made sure that they will keep putting new and exciting content to the unlock shop. (i.e. Neutral cards)

There is also a new Profile page that shows you your stats and all the cosmetics that you can equip. 

New Berserk Cards

Across all the leagues, 24 new cards are being introduced. These cards open new possibilities and dimensions of complexities to deck building. They also open a variety of competitive decks. (at all the levels)

pasted image 0 1 After thanking the beta testers, Vulcan Forged announces that Berserk Season 2 is finally here. They have been trying hard to bring the game from a web interface to a PC App.

To access higher leagues, you’d still need NFT cards. However, they are exploring more ways of even playing between all the players. 

All these cards will be available to all the players for FREE! (for the duration of the season)

Chat Emotes

Well, the community asked for in-game chat but due to technical reasons, the feature isn’t available yet. However, the game has introduced a series of cute animated emotes that can use for communication. You can now commend or torment your opponent in an interesting, fun way. 

Berserk Season 2 Is Live!

Currently, there are 5 sets of Emotes that you can buy as a pack. Later on, they can be bought individually for LAVA. 

Berserk Season 2

Apart from a few minor modifications, things will keep the same. League access for Legendary and Mythic can only be possible if you have NFTs in your deck. (it used to be by Vulcanite Level)

Starter League is now restricted to Level 1 Vulcanite. 

Season 2 will run for 2 months – As soon as it starts, MMR in all the leagues will be reset to 1200 while commendation level will be reset to 0. After that, they will take 1 month to patch, update, and migrate all the NFTs to Elysium. 

“There will be a minimum number of games necessary to be eligible for prizes, and the prizes have been structured in such a way as to encourage people to take a chance on the higher leagues, even if you don’t have very many NFTs,” stated Vulcan Forged, 

What’s Next?

  • All the new cards will initially be available as booster packs
  • A new card rental system (90% of work is done)
  • All Vulcanites can be rented – after a new patch
  • Improved ability text on existing cards
  • Improved mobile layout
  • The in-game card library will be reworked

Season 2 Prizes

Let’s see the exciting prizes the new Berserk Season has to offer.

Starter League

Starter League

Mythic League

Mythic League

Legendary League

Legendary League

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