Celebrating our New Twitter With an Enjin Beam Giveaway!

Celebrating our New Twitter With an Enjin Beam Giveaway

Hello, egamers 🙂 The topic of today’s special article is:

egamersio –> egamers_io – that’s right! We are Celebrating our New Twitter With an Enjin Beam Giveaway!

We are in an unpleasant position to announce that Twitter suspended our account (@egamersio).

As much as we believe this is an unfair and unreasonable decision, we have to respect Twitter rules and keep walking, like Johnnie.

Twitter was and still is, a great tool for connecting projects with people, undeniably, we have managed to reach out to many of you using twitter and spread the blockchain word to the gamers.

With that been said, we would like to thank every single one of you for the incredible support. One love.

Babe Ruth once said, “It’s hard to beat a person that never gives up”.

egamers rip twitter 1 egamersio --> egamers_io - that's right! We are Celebrating our New Twitter With an Enjin Beam Giveaway!

Great, Whats next?

First of all, lets begin by saying that we are here to stay.

The new egamers official twitter account is up and you can follow us again! (@egamers_io)

And because each day is a day to celebrate. We are hosting an Enjin Beam QR Airdrop with 200 ERC-1155 Assets in total!

25 Enjin MFT, 75 Aeonclipse Keys, and 100 Phoenix Tokens will be distributed through our twitter once we reach 500 Followers.

egamers twitter enjin giveaway phoenix token enijnmft aeonclipse keys egamersio --> egamers_io - that's right! We are Celebrating our New Twitter With an Enjin Beam Giveaway!

In order to participate, you will have to scan the QR code with EnjinWallet.

Meet Phoenix

Phoenix token egamersio egamersio --> egamers_io - that's right! We are Celebrating our New Twitter With an Enjin Beam Giveaway!

We have minted 100 collectible ERC-1155 tokens backed by 5 ENJ each. They are all yours!

A Phoenix can reborn from its ashes, just like our twitter. The token’s total supply is 100 and exists as a collectible asset created to celebrate our new twitter account!

We minted the Phoenix Tokens using Enjin’s MintShop, the easiest way to create your blockchain assets backed with ENJ Coins.

At this point, we would like to thank Enjin Coin for their continued support since day one. You guys are awesome! 

Now, here’s an other hot issue.

What about the Etheremon & Chibi Fighters Giveaway?

Before the suspension, we had an on-going giveaway with Etheremon and Chibi Fighters. We are going to Tweet again the competition within the day for 2 more days (End Date 20 of January 23:59 UTC). The users who have already participated in the old giveaway tweet will still count in the random winners drawing.

Thankfully, we have access to the previous twitter and we can see all of your RT’s and comments.

To sum up, You can join the giveaway for two more days, feel free to retweet and follow us again, even if you had previously joined!

Once again, thank you everyone for supporting egamers <3.

We won’t stop being crypto gaming warriors!