How an 11-year-old kid is using tokens to spread kindness globally

anti corona virus collection

Amid Coronavirus, we see billionaires donating sizable amounts of money to find a cure, people are doing charity work and COVID-19 has caused a lot of damage to society. We see billionaires donating sizable amounts of money to find a cure, scientists work around the clock to develop a vaccine while others are doing charity work and delivering goods to the elderly, the message is clear, united we can make it.

Today’s story is about an eleven years old kid who decided to send a message of encouragement and humanity to every person on earth using blockchain-based tokens that will exist forever and remind us what we went through these uncertain times. 

The selection of Anti-Corona cache contains ten different NFTs, each one backed by an amount of ENJ. The creator also stated that any proceeds generated will go straight to CARE, a non-profit humanitarian organization working to fight global poverty. 

anti corona tokens enjin Amid Coronavirus, we see billionaires donating sizable amounts of money to find a cure, people are doing charity work and COVID-19 has caused a lot of damage to society. We see billionaires donating sizable amounts of money to find a cure, scientists work around the clock to develop a vaccine while others are doing charity work and delivering goods to the elderly, the message is clear, united we can make it.

I wanted to make a collectibles game that is fun for everyone while they are stuck at home, and that shares some happiness around too.” — Micah (11-year-old son)

The father, Wrabbit1111, who is also an Enjin community member, said that he really loves his son’s art, and he fully supports him. It took only a few days for the kid to create the concept of the anti-corona cache, and the end result is something truly inspiring.

The most limited item in the collection is the golden toilet paper. An ultra-rare gold quality toilet paper collectible available for 1,135 ENJ ($110.)

It’s great to see young people acting against this pandemic, and it’s even better to see blockchain involved here. These tokens will exist forever on the Ethereum blockchain, they are there to remind us what happened, to care, what to watch out if this happens again.

Micah wanted to spread random acts of kindness, so the Enjin team distributed 785 of them to the Enjin MFT holders. MFT is a token that comes with perpetual rewards and frequent airdrops from the Enjin platform and multiverse games

This is the story of Micah, an 11-year-old-kid who acts with kindness, for all the people of the world in need. Let’s follow his example and contribute to this never-seen-before global effort by staying to our homes, that’s all we need to do, stay at home.