Echoes of Empire Celestial Land Presale

Echoes Of Empire

Today November 10th, begins the presale for celestial land.

Echoes of Empire is a free-to-play, sci-fi, multiplayer 4X strategy game on the Gala Games ecosystem. Celestial Claims are NFT’s that can be used to mine basic and special resources.

Basic resources are used for researching, upgrading, and building. The special resource is called Dust, an ERC-20 token which will power the economy of Echoes of Empire. It will have a significant use-case because it will be required to upgrade blueprints for capital ships, ancient research artifacts, special attacks, fuel travel, and the Celestial Claim.

An upgraded Claim will offer more Dust production both to the owner and the players that lease the mine.

Celestial Claims

Claims for this sale come in three different clusters. Each one of them has approximately 2.000 claims. In order to purchase claims, you need to supply your Gala wallet with GALA Tokens.

Based on the rarity of claims, access will be granted, to players, to choose their own Celestial Body and claim it permanently during the early access to the game.

Celestial Claims are also:

  • Limited in Supply.
  • Can be sold and traded.
  • Are Upgradeable.
  • Can be rented to many players depending on the rarity of the claim. 
celestial claims echoes of empire Today November 10th, begins the presale for celestial land.
Celestial Claims in Echoes of Empire. Image Source: Gala Games/Echoes of Empire.

An interactive story is up about Valentina Barbaro.

The order in which Celestial Claims will be available for sale depends on the community votes about the story of Valentina Barbaro. Don’t forget to take part and vote through Discord. Once she leaves, sales will be over, but when she comes back, prices will rise.

Gala Games is a growing ecosystem of play-to-earn games. The platform has managed to make huge headline the past months with millions of dollars spend for the in-game assets of multiple games.

Currently, TownStar is the first play-to-earn game that reward players with TOWN Tokens.