Nestables Pre-Alpha is Live & First Gameplay Impressions

Nestables Pre-Alpha

Nestables Closed Alpha is live for the early adopters of the game that own a Founder’s Cube and a Token on their Enjin wallets.

The game is still in the early access phase and needs a lot of development yet. Nestables Pre-Alpha is available for the community to provide feedback, balance gameplay, and bug support. 

Visit Nestables Pre-Alpha

About Nestables

Nestables is a collectible game on the Enjin blockchain and part of the Multiverse connected games. Users collect, trade, breed, and play with 3D Cubes, where each one has unique traits, cosmetic features, DNA, and personality. 

Cubes come in the form of ERC-1155 Tokens and contain the same amount of ENJ Tokens, so their stats define their value.

Read more about Nestables.