We are Playing Bitcoin Hodler Beta!

Bitcoin Hodler Beta

Bitcoin Hodler Beta is live! Bitcoin Hodler is one of the first Multiverse games that joined the early adopter’s program from Enjin Coin.

As promised on Reddit’s AMA  last December, the early version of Bitcoin Hodler has become available for all the users who have previously signed up for it.

Bitcoin Hodler currently runs off-chain, meaning that we are playing a game without the Enjin economy embedded in it. The game comes with basic core functionalities and two characters, the Hodler and the Hodlerettere.

This year, the game will be available first for Android, and an iOS version will follow afterward. Bitcoin Hodler has already successfully distributed some in-game items to the lucky subscribers. Those items will be available for use once the game launches on Enjin’s blockchain.

Bitcoin Hodler Roadmap multiverse game egamers Bitcoin Hodler Beta is live! Bitcoin Hodler is one of the first Multiverse games that joined the early adopter's program from Enjin Coin.

Additionally, the game will feature new ERC1155 “Hodler” items and spacecrafts backed by Enjin Coins.

Taking the game a step further from “Flapy Bird,” Bitcoin Hodler will feature PvP battles somewhere in 2019 where you will be able to compete with other Hodlers across the Multiverse community.

Okay, that’s great! But what is Bitcoin Hodler?

It’s a free-to-play blockchain-based 2D Mobile game powered by the Enjin economy. It is an endless mixed runner and arcade-style action-adventure, similar to what flappy bird is but with many more features that allow players to interact with each other. In Bitcoin Hodler you can collect, own, upgrade or trade your assets on decentralized marketplaces. Become part of the multiverse – where you will truly own your game assets, where characters can move between realms, and hard-earned items and achievements can stay with you across multiple games.