BGD #220: Latest P2E News

Blockchain Gaming Digest

What’s up, eGamers, it’s time for the weekly Blockchain Gaming Digest. Every week, we share some of the most important NFT gaming news and other interesting facts.

Let’s start with the most popular games this week based on on-chain data. (7 Days)

  1. Thetan Arena: Over 21 million players. (Self-reported)
  2. Axie Infinity: Over 650,000 players. (Self-reported)
  3. Alien Worlds: 301k players. +1.31%
  4. Splinterlands: 246k players. +10.23%
  5. Farmers World: 89k players. +11.46%
  6. Planet IX: 78k players. +0.51%
  7. Upland: 65k players. +6.75%
  8. Era7: Game of Truth: 34k players. -7.26%
  9. Benji Bananas: 32k players. +10.58%
  10. PlayMining: 27k players. -4.85%

Vulcan Forged $LAVA Migrates to Elysium – Everything You Need to Know

vulcan forged lava migrates to elysium everything you need to know What’s up, eGamers, it’s time for the weekly Blockchain Gaming Digest. Every week, we share some of the most important NFT gaming news and other interesting facts.

Today we will talk about some changes regarding Vulcan Forged’s secondary token, $LAVA. Talking about that, the gaming studio is preparing for a $LAVA on Elysium snapshot and airdrop. 

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Pooky App Launches Genesis NFT Collection

Pooky App Launches Genesis NFT Collection

Pooky, the gamified Web3 football prediction platform, has announced the launch of its Genesis Collection Pookyball NFTs.

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The Gardens of Arcadia 1 – VulcanVerse Lore

The Guardens of Acardia 1 Vulcanverse Lore What’s up, eGamers, it’s time for the weekly Blockchain Gaming Digest. Every week, we share some of the most important NFT gaming news and other interesting facts.

We are so excited to announce that Vulcan Forged, the leading blockchain gaming and ecosystem, has revealed the next part of the VulcanVerse lore. After the Mountains of Boreas, we are going to witness the Gardens of Arcadia and its beautiful land of forests and fields!

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Get Paid For Being an Axie Streamer!

Get Paid For Being an Axie Streamer!

NFT-based single-player video game Axie Infinity announced a few days ago, on February 21, the start of the Axie Infinity Streamer Rewards Program, finally rewarding 50 creators/streamers with a share from a 300 AXS Bounty.

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Test Drive Metarush – The First Myria Studios Game

Test Drive Metarush - The First Myria Studios Game

Blockchain game development studio and Ethereum L2 solution Myria announced today the start of some exclusive Metarush demos to receive essential feedback that will help improve the overall gaming experience.

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Pokemon-Style Game Chainmonsters Switches to IMX 

Chainmonsters, a blockchain-based pokemon-style game, happily announced earlier this week the launch of a new partnership with Immutable X.

Chainmonsters, a blockchain-based pokemon-style game, happily announced earlier this week the launch of a new partnership with Immutable X.

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